Mount Eerie Mount Eerie - Lanterns

Don't go out,
Don't blow out,
Don't smother me, lanterns.
Don't reach out, Phil, don't extend.
Don't try to touch nothing.
Don't try to steal my show.
Let lantern light linger nowhere,
Not on your life, leave alone.

Be a darkened figure.
Sink in slow.
Have your fort glow.
Have your lit up lantern.
"How did you know to come over tonight?"
Because these blazing lamps were pinking up the sky.

"What's that you hold and why is it so bright?"
When I walk away I'll leave a shade on your glowing doorway.
"What's that you hold and why is it so bright?"
You look good in my light but my own flame flickers.
Leave alone. Let cold lakes lie. Let me and my light leave.
Let me hand it high on antlers wide, let it loom like sunrise.
Let go of everything!

Light green does not leave like the day does lost to night.
Like young good looks, yes, "light green leaves" alright.
Don't be big headed. Don't behead. Don't beehive the honey.
Don't get ingrained to grinding grains to gain the money.